Business: KD Photography
Tell me why on earth you are getting in the dirt and standing in the sun to take photos of snot nosed little kids riding horses (don't worry, I won't print the question like that..........LOL): {I lied}
I stand in the hot sun, sweat and get dirty....because I love getting that perfect action shot or capturing the look on the riders face! I have also found that some riders use my photos as learning tools for themselves!

Ardith Bruce, 1964 World Champion, 78 years young competing in
Fountain, Colo., at a small riding club in 2009.
Tell me about your kids:
I have three, very entertaining, adorable boys. Dallas is almost 11-years-old, thoughtful and kind. He enjoys sports and playing his accoustic and electric guitars. Dyllan will be 9-years-old in a few weeks. He is very outgoing and inquisitive. He loves to read, play basketball and baseball. Justin is almost 7-years-old. He is very quite, shy and yet has a great sense of humour. This kiddo loves to spending time at home.
Tell me about your camera:
The main camera that I use is a Digital Canon EOS Xs. For the action shots I use a 75-300mm lens. I also have two film cameras, a Minolta QTsi and an old Minolta X-570.
Tell me how long you've been taking photos:
I have been taking photos since High School. I fell in love with the camera when I took a photography class and became a yearbook photographer. That was the only photography class I have taken. Over the past 18 years I have collected knowledge from books, other photographers, the internet and trail and error. Sometimes those are the best ways to learn. Recently I was asked to teach a photography class at Ellicott Elementary School. That was an honor. Seeing the student's world through their eyes was incredible!
The best part of doing it?
Being able to capture the beauty, the emotion and the fun in the world is truly the best part of my business. Besides my family, photography is my passion.
What other events do you try to cover or hope to cover?
I try to cover a variety of events and subjects. My goal is to be a verstile photographer with very few limits. Currently I have taken individual/team shots for local sports teams and games. Also horse shows/events, weddings, family photos and Senior photos. I also volunteer my time and efforts for some school events. These photos are displayed in the Ellicott Elementary School.
The worst part of doing it?
For me, there isn't a "worst" part of doing this. It is hard to find a downside to something you love doing.
FRRC gymkhana rider, 2009
Do you have a million shots of your own kids or is it like the mechanic with the broken car?
Yes I do have a million shots of my kids. They are mostly "candids" and not portraits. Those are my favorite types of pictures to take. I find that candid shots capture the personnality of the subject the best. Where I lack are photos of myself - It is hard to get pictures of you when you are the one behind the camera!
Future goals (in general)?
We will set up a studio for indoor portraits. I would like do more marketing and advertising. One of my dreams is to have my work displayed in an art exhibit.
What events are you not doing right now that you'd like to do?
I would like to offer my services for Birthday parties, Baby showers, Family reunions, Dances, School field trips, etc. How many times are the parents or hosts too busy to take pictures at their events? Even if they do, like me, they are not in any of the shots.
I could not do what I love without the support and acceptance from my wonderful family, friends and community members!
I often work with my trusted associate Terri Fannin. She has been a great friend and inspiration for me and my business! I often call on Terri when a second photographer is needed. She brings an artistical "eye" and outlook to any of our jobs together.
Karrie Dean and her son, 2009
Thanks Karrie - sorry for spelling your name wrong for a year!!!! But I was a reallllllly good customer :)